
huafeng1103 好资讯put是什么意思中文(put翻译)已关闭评论8字数 549阅读模式


1. put作动词,意思是:表达,陈述

How do I put this for you? 我该如何向你表达呢?

2. put away 放好

Put away the clothes when you take them off. 把你脱下来的衣服放好。

3. stay put 留在原地不动

Stay put. I’ll go to find you. 待着别动,我去找你。

4. put on 穿上

It’s very cold outside. Put on your coat, please. 外面非常冷,把你的外套穿上。

既然在这里说到了put on,我们来扩充一个它的反义词,脱掉就是take off了,

You should take off your hat to respect others. 脱掉帽子是对其他人的尊重。

5. put off 推迟

Our sports meeting was put off because of the heavy rain. 因为这场大雨,我们的运动会推迟了。

6. put out 熄灭

Firemen put out the fire finally. 消防员最终把火熄灭了。

小朋友们,试着用一用put的其他用法吧!Practice makes perfect!

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月4日 16:50:49
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